When it comes time to pick out a bouquet or decorative wedding flowers, it’s best to go with flowers that match your color scheme. There’s a certain flow when it comes to wedding decor. You want to have things match in some sort of fashion, and color is usually the first priority.
When it comes to the most popular choice around, be it wedding or otherwise, of course roses are number one, but there’s so many other flowers that are just as pretty. Some that come to mind are Tulips and Hydrangeas. Then you have Daisies, Dahlias and Gladiolas. Gladiolas are great for table centerpieces, especially when you want some height. Of course we can’t forget Poppies, Lilies, Carnations and Amaryllises. There’s so many to choose from! Fortunately for us humans and brides alike, nature can match any color scheme, so you’re always in luck.